UNV token swap

Swap your current v1 UNV tokens for v2 tokens at a 1:1 ratio on the Mainnet network. Remember, swapping is a one-way and permanent action. The v2 tokens can be easily bridged between multiple networks.

Token Addresses
UNV (v1)
0 UNV (v1)
UNV (v2)
0 UNV (v2)
1. Set Approval for Token Upgrader
To upgrade your tokens, first approve the token upgrader. Set your maximum approval amount to equal or exceed the number of v1 tokens you intend to upgrade.
2. Upgrade to v2 Tokens Instantly
Immediately upgrade your v1 tokens and receive the same amount of UNV v2 tokens, which are easily tradable and can be bridged across different networks. Your original v1 tokens will be permanently burned in the process.